We have sunset Voura and shut down the app as of April 15th, 2024. Read the announcement for more information.Details

You deserve to be rewarded.

We exist to make sure you are.

Grow your wealth

Voura was built to reward you on your journey toward financial freedom

Something's radically wrong

Spending, specifically overspending, is deeply ingrained in American culture. Our favorite celebrities are Instagram influencers that fly in private jets and spend thousands on a weekend shopping spree. We watch TikTok gurus telling us how easy it is to become a millionaire and all you have to do is spend $5,000 on their course to learn how. Credit card debt is at an all time high at over $1 trillion with a majority of us holding a balance over $5,000.

Something's got to change

After seeing this spending frenzy play out from folks in rural Indiana to those in the highest levels of society at Harvard, our founder decided that something had to change.

We decided to flip the script

Why glorify spending when we could glorify investing in our futures?

The first brokerage account to give a 1% match on every dollar

Instead of giving cashback for overspending on high interest rate credit cards.

Mobile phone with VouraMatch rewards app screen, showing overview with total rewards balance of $81.60, average rewards rate of 1.00%, paid rewards of $57.15, and pending rewards of $24.45, followed by a list of transactions showing the VouraMatch payouts.

The first brokerage account to hold monthly sweepstakes

Rather than getting an adrenaline rush from putting a $25 sports bet (and most likely losing it) on your favorite team, you can win simply by investing your money. That's a win/win situation.

Mobile phone with Voura app dashboard screen, showing total amount given away of $36,788.90. Screen also says 'You could win big. When you make a deposit of at least $25, you'll be automatically entered to win the monthly sweepstakes.'

Come and grow with us

We built all of this and more with the express purpose of helping you achieve your financial goals and we can't wait for you to grow with us.

What do we believe?


Finance shouldn't have to be complicated. In fact, most of the complexity comes from finance people inventing vocabulary so the rest of us won't understand. At Voura, we believe everything around investing and personal finance can be distilled down into easy to understand concepts and we've built our app with this in mind. We'll always choose simple over complex and try to communicate like a normal human and not a financial robot.


One of the biggest reasons people don't trust financial institutions is their historic lack of transparency. We're sure we're not the only ones who have gotten a surprise late fee or “account maintenance fee” on our bank statements. At Voura, we are an open book. We show you exactly what you're invested in, how we make money, and explain as much as we can to you in our app. And if you ever feel unsure of something, we'll always answer your questions!


Investing is for the long-term and so are we. Just like the tortoise outlasting the hare, Voura believes in buying and holding investments for decades. We have built our product to make it easy to set it and forget it. Don't worry, we'll always be here making sure your money is growing in the background while you enjoy life.


Over the long-run the market only goes up. So even if it goes down every once in a while, always remember that if you hold it long enough it'll work out in the end. This fact made us build a company culture and a product centered around optimism. Try to drown out the negativity from hearing financial news or doomscrolling social media and remember it's all going to be ok.

Our team

Over the last year, we've put together a phenomenal team to help bring our mission to life. These are the amazing people building Voura for you.

John Keck

Founder & CEO

Chris Loper

Founding Engineer

Billy Hollis

Founding Designer

Annie Pennell

Frontend Engineer

Alexi Cortez

Content Marketer

Be rewarded today.

  • Sign up for your free account
  • Make your first deposit
  • Get rewarded with a 1% match
  • Automatically enter sweepstakes
  • Sit back, relax and grow your wealth